This page contains resources on starting a book discussion group, including a bibliography* and ten questions to ask before starting your group.
*For a more complete bibliography, visit the Book Discussion Groups WorldCat list maintained by the ALA Library.
This resource published in cooperation with ALA's Public Programs Office profiles dozens of successful book clubs across the country. Drawn from responses collected through social media, electronic mailing lists, e-newsletters, websites, as well as the authors' own research, this book outlines the main reasons that traditional book clubs can grow stagnant over time and offers concrete advice on how to change things up. You'll find the keys to creating a book club your community will love among the abundance of ideas offered in this book.
Book clubs in lockdown investigates how book clubs have adapted to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. The report is based on a survey of more than 3,400 respondents currently in a book club conducted in October 2020. Available as a free download by clicking the image above.
This comprehensive 60-page research report is the first to get to the heart of the book club experience. It is based on two surveys of more than 5,000 book club members combined with BookBrowse's over 15 years of book club experience and research. It will be of great interest to book clubs looking to gain insight into how other groups run, and learn best practices; It is also very relevant to libraries and booksellers who advise book club members, or host their own book clubs. Additionally, authors and publishers wishing to understand the dynamics of book clubs will much of interest.
Advice for librarians seeking to provide a wide range of programming that targets their communities of book lovers:author readings, book signings, and author panels; marketing and outreach pointers; interviewing authors for local radio, library podcasts, or webinars; nuts-and-bolts of organizing and hosting book clubs; creating displays of "staff favorites" and other ways to get staff involved and engaged.
Step-by-step showing how to build, improve, and maintain successful, engaging book discussion groups.
Techniques for encouraging teens to share their responses to books under discussion.