Building new libraries, additions, and even remodeling can be a daunting task, and one that most librarians do not undertake frequently. This fact sheet provides references to the tools, resources, and advice to help you manage your library building project, whether large or small. Although this list has been segmented by types of libraries, materials listed for one type may have useful information for planning other types of buildings.
Not all libraries are standalone buildings, or have the same internal features. A web search will turn up libraries that have been co-located in apartment buildings, grocery stores, senior centers, shopping malls, arts centers, and museums. Some libraries have coffee shops or theaters as well.
Please note that ALA no longer sets quantitative standards for public libraries, such as a library building with a recommended number of square feet based on population size. Such standards were last published by ALA in the 1970s.
Brings together librarians and design professionals to analyze, discuss, and share information related to academic, public, and school library buildings, equipment, and furnishings Topics addressed include, but are not limited to library site selection; building planning and architecture; library furniture and equipment; interior design; maintenance and security of buildings and property; and disaster recovery.
A list of books on library buildings, compiled by this office, in which you can search for a book title by zip code to get the closest library that has it.
Outlines the measures of space needed for the use of equipment and furniture within a library setting, with drawings of typical library furniture and equipment along with diagrams of the space required for their use. Also provides an overview of the planning process, and details on several aspects of design and planning.
In a time of rapidly inflating energy prices and tight public budgets, many libraries are faced with older physical facilities that are not up to modern standards of efficiency. Designed for libraries where construction of a whole new building is not feasible, this book offers step-by-step instructions.
The needs and functions of library buildings have certainly changed over the last decade, but the necessity for planning intelligently and thoroughly hasn't.
A concentrated set of tools and techniques that will guide you and your team to find the best solutions for your specific project, with a streamlined organization of the text, concise coverage of the essentials of the library construction process, advice on important planning and workflow considerations, discussion of the characteristics of successful library buildings, and an overview of bad ideas in library architecture.
Using hands-on tools and real-life insider stories from librarians around the country, this is a crash course in planning and building today's libraries.
One-stop, easy-to-understand resource that will guide you through the often complicated, jargon-filled arenas of building construction and renovation, so that you can effectively advocate for your ideas about how form supports your library's functions.
Library building projects leave a legacy for decades, with one chance to get it right. Those with access to a trustworthy expert who can explain the process in step-by-step terms will have the best chance to make their projects succeed.
The authors present this definitive resource on library architecture with a special emphasis on avoiding common problems in library design, in a down-to-earth manner they address a range of issues applicable to any undertaking. From planning completely new library buildings to small remodeling projects, they offer specific how-to and how-not-to guidance.
Useful, usable, desirable, like three legs of a stool, if your library is missing the mark on any one of these it's bound to wobble. Every decision you make affects how people experience your library.
This was a library facility planning information system and downloadable database that was developed for California Public Library planners in 2005. The Libris Design Planning Documentation was a set of reports, as DOC and PDF files, covering various interior and exterior library building topics and issues.
Does your library entrance draw people inside? Once inside, what makes people take notice? Can retail space planning ideas help you create an inviting library space? This section will help you plan and design your library space to create a welcoming, healthy, safe and accessible environment.
Co-sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and the American Institute of Architects (AIA). The annual competition recognizes excellence in the architectural design and planning of libraries.
Co-sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and the International Interior Design Association (IIDA), the award honors international excellence in library interior design. Award winners demonstrate excellence in aesthetics, design, creativity, function, and satisfaction of the client’s objectives.