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Summer Reading Programs: Home

Summer reading programs began in the 1890s as a way to encourage school children, particularly those in urban areas and not needed for farm work, to read during their summer vacation, use the library and develop the habit of reading.
Light blue background with icon of sun over an open book with text that reads Summer Reading Programs"Make an important part of your summer's work the inviting children who do not use the Library to do so. A great many boys and girls [...] often do not know what to do with themselves all day long. Tell them of all the pleasure they can get from the stories, the books of adventure, the histories, and the books telling how to do and make things which will add to their vacation good times; tell them of the best books you have read, and explain to them how they can get library cards and draw books themselves." 

- Linda Eastman, American Library Association president (1928-29) and head librarian, Cleveland Public Library


This guide provides an overview of summer reading programs, including research and resources on the benefits of programming, sample programming, and a bibliography and resources on starting a library summer reading program.

Summer Reading Program Resources

Program Evaluation