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Library Statistics and Figures: Home

A collection of often requested numeric information about libraries in the U.S.

Library Statistics

Icons of line and bar graphs with text that reads Library Statistics and FiguresWhile no single annual survey provides statistics on all types of libraries, the American Library Association recognizes the usefulness of these types of data - both for those within the library field and those wishing to learn more about libraries in the U.S. and internationally. 

The pages of the resource guide are the result of aggregating the latest data available to the ALA Library staff. Please note that many sources of these data do not conduct surveys or data-sourcing activities annually, or have not conducted these activities for several years. These pages will be updated as new data become available. 

State of America's Libraries Reports

The State of America's Libraries Report is issued annually in conjunction with National Library Week (usually the second week in April).  Since 2006, the American Library Association’s Communications and Marketing Office, in coordination with other ALA units, has prepared the report to inform the public about important trends and key issues facing America's libraries.

For a more descriptive view of the library field - with both statistics and a deeper dive into current trends and issues - see the five most recent reports below. To see a full archive, visit the State of America's Libraries Report archives page

Cover of 2024 State of America's Libraries report
2023 ALA State of America's Libraries Report
2022 ALA State of America's Libraries Report
2021 ALA State of America's Libraries Report
2020 ALA State of America's Libraries Report
2019 ALA State of America's Libraries Report
2018 ALA State of America's Libraries Report