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Library Service to Persons with Disabilities: Home

Covers ALA policies, resources. Provides resources
The American Library Association recognizes that people with disabilities are a large and neglected minority in the Disability icons with text that reads Library Service to Persons with Disabilitiescommunity and are severely under-represented in the library profession. Disabilities cause many personal challenges. In addition, many people with disabilities face economic inequity, illiteracy, cultural isolation, and discrimination in education, employment and the broad range of societal activities.

Libraries play a catalytic role in the lives of people with disabilities by facilitating their full participation in society. Libraries should use strategies based upon the principles of universal design to ensure that library policy, resources and services meet the needs of all people.


This resource guide provides information on ALA policies and resources for library service to persons with disabilities, information on ALA working groups, a selected bibliography, and other online resources.

ALA Groups Working on Accessibility Issues

ALA Policies and Statements