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Libraries Transform: The Expert in the School Library: School Librarian Collaboration with other library types

Content to support school librarians’ expertise to effectively impact student achievement and school communities.

Collaboration with Other Library Types

AASL/ALSC/YALSA Interdivisional Committee on School/Public Library Cooperation, 2018. Public Library & School Library Collaboration Toolkit. Created by the AASL/ALSC/YALSA Interdivisional Committee on School/Public Library Cooperation, the toolkit includes context and suggestions for creating partnerships of all sizes. It contains information on how to start and continue a public–school library collaboration, research that supports collaboration, examples of successful collaborations, and useful templates. Use this handout to promote the toolkit with colleagues and stakeholders.

American Association of School Librarians/Association of College and Research Libraries Task Force on the Educational Role of Libraries. “Examples of Partnerships Focused on Information Literacy.” AASL, n.d. These selected examples of information literacy partnerships were compiled from the Appendix of the Blueprint for Collaboration, a report of the AASL/ACRL Task Force on the Educational Role of Libraries and from e-mails sent as a result of a call on several listservs. The list is not comprehensive, but contains examples of different types of partnerships.

American Association of School Librarians/Association for Library Service to Children/Young Adult Library Services Association Interdivisional Committee on School/Public Library Cooperation. ALSC/YALSA, n.d.School/Public Library Cooperative Programs.” The AASL/ALSC/YALSA Interdivisional Committee on School/Public Library Cooperation design and conduct a project of mutual interest and benefit to the three participating ALA Divisions, working from a platform identified by the AASL/ALSC/YALSA Presidents-Elect. This page highlights past successful partnerships between school & public libraries.  

Amann, Janet and Sabrina Carnesi.  “C is for Cooperation:  Public and School Library Reciprocal Responsibility in Community Literacy Initiatives.”  Children and Libraries. 12.3 (2012): 11-13. Print. 

Barack, Lauren. "MyLibraryNYC Brings Public Library Services to City Schools, 500,000+ Students. School Library Journal. 24 June 2015. Web..

Bates, Jan and Nancy R. Webster. “One School, One Book: One Successful School-Library Collaboration.” Children & Libraries 7.3 (2009): 47-50. Library Literature & Information Science Full Text, EBSCOHost.

Bengel, Tricia Racke. “Libraries with No Bounds: How Limitless Libraries Transformed Nashville Public Schools’ Libraries.” School Library Journal. January 14, 2013. Web.  Limitless Libraries is a cooperative effort between the Nashville Public Library system and the Metro Nashville Public Schools which allows them to combine their purchasing of print and online materials. Students and teachers in the city's 128 traditional schools now have access to NPL’s entire collection, plus several local university collections, and can check out e-readers. Library usage has risen dramatically and other school/public library partnerships have resulted from this initiative. - See more at:

Burhanna, Kenneth J. Instructional Outreach to High Schools: Should You Be Doing It?” Communications in Information Literacy 1.2 (2007): 88. Library Literature & Information Science Full Text, EBSCOHost.

Hayden,  K. Alix. “Together We Are Stronger: K-16 Information Literacy Collaborations.” Treasure Mountain Canada wiki. Web. 

MacMillan, Kate. "School and Public Librarian Partnerships." Knowledge Quest Blog. 12 July 2016.

Miller, Rebecca T. and Laura Girmscheid. "It Takes Two." School Library Journal. 58.5 (May2012): 26-29.  The article presents the results of a survey of spending on children's and young adult (YA) collections in public libraries, with particular attention paid to the finding that only thirty percent of public libraries collaborate with local school librarians when building their children's and YA collections. Suggestions for enhancing collaboration are offered, and other findings of the survey are discussed. - See more at:

Murvosh, Marta. "Partners in Success: When School and Public Librarians Join Forces, Kids Win." School Library Journal. January 1, 2013. Web. Marcus Lowry, teen librarian, Ramsey County (MN) Library and Leslie Yoder, digital literacy and learning specialist, St. Paul Public Schools, discuss several successful school and public library partnerships across the country, including collaborations in Nashville, TN, La Crosse, WI, Denver, CO, Portland, OR, the NYC/Queens/Brooklyn libraries, Monteray, CA, and Philadelphia, PA.

MyLibraryNYC. MyLibraryNYC is a partnership between the NYC Department of Education and New York City’s public library systems: Brooklyn Public Library, New York Public Library, and Queens Library. The program provides participating schools with:

  1. enhanced library privileges including fine-free student and educator library cards*;
  2. school delivery and the exclusive use of 6,000+ Teacher Sets designed for educator use in the classroom; and
  3. student and educator access to the unparalleled digital resources of New York City’s public library systems as well as instructional support and professional development opportunities.

Oakleaf, Megan and Patricia L. Owen. “Closing the 12-13 Gap Together: School and College Librarians Supporting 21st Century Learners.” Teacher Librarian 37.4 (2010): 52-58. Library Literature & Information Science Full Text, EBSCOHost.

Seymour, Celene “Information Technology Assessment: A Foundation for School and Academic Library Collaboration. Knowledge Quest 35.5 (2007): 32-35. Library Literature & Information Science Full Text, EBSCOHost.


School and Public Library Collaboration